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21 seconds to go

15 Nov

Someone tried to outbid me on Ebay with 30 seconds to go, then I tried to increase my bid, but I wasn’t signed in so it sent me to the sign in page, with 25 seconds to go, then I typed in my password, then I waited for the page to refresh and sign me back in to the bidding page, then there was 5 seconds to go and I put in my bid and BOOM, highest bidder goes to me, thank you very much. I wasn’t expecting such an adrenaline fuelled experience. It was like being at the races.

Pub quizzes

27 Oct

Like the well known Winston Churchill phrase that golf is a waste of a good walk, a quiz is a waste of a fun night in the pub, a mon avis. I’m there to catch up with my friends, give them my humour and relish in theirs. If I want to be aware of how many countries border Hungary, I’ll spend a night in with wikipedia, or a map. Being told to keep quiet or whisper in a pub goes against the whole grain, it does not rhyme rhythmically.